How do you get poeple to pay for your items ?

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How do you get poeple to pay for your items ?

Post by Guest » Wed Apr 15, 2009 11:01 am

I just put 100 goats up for sale.
I know that in the tutorial you sell them for 100 money, but since they are now quality 2, and it says that it cost me 8,53 pr goat to produce them, I thought taht 8,53 x 100 would be an ok price for them, but the system says it is an outrageous price ?
So how do I make any money, when I can not make any money from what I sell at the market ?


Post by Guest » Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:38 pm

OK.. Look... If q0 sells @ 100

Then work out a price step.

i.e., lets say, for argument's sake, that you increase the price by 20 cT per quality level.

Then, Price = 100 + 20q.

so, q2 would sell @ 100 + 20 (2) = 140. You find the step by experimenting with the prices ;)

Of course, you can sell to other players too :)

My friend Grazer accepts all goats (any quality) @ 250 each. Go to your storehouse, enter the number of goats you want to sell and the price at the bottom & the city you want to sell to.

You can also send it out to the open market. But that attracts a 10% market fee from the system. Best to avoid it unless you really need fast cash and don't know if your trading partners are online!


Post by Guest » Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:49 pm

That still does not answer my question, because I am still paying to get rid of my goats if I sell them on the market then.
If I can only get 100-200 money for 100 goats, then I am 600 short after selling them.


Re: How do you get poeple to pay for your items ?

Post by Guest » Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:10 pm

Junipur wrote:I thought taht 8,53 x 100 would be an ok price for them
You thought wrong. That is absolutely not an OK price for them. You DO NOT multiply the cost price by the example selling price. Pricing has to follow common sense.

Do you normally buy a shirt for 8 dollars and sell for 800! Even if you just drew something on it and made it look cool, does it warrant a 9900% margin!!!!!!!!!

This game loosely resembles common trading. I hope you can infer enough meaning from this to figure it out.

If English is not your native language (I know it isn't for a lot of people, so forgive my assuming), then please say so and someone will come along to explain :)


Post by Guest » Wed Apr 15, 2009 3:59 pm

No, English is not my first language, but numbers are still the same, and if each goat cost me 8, something to produce, then I do not want to sell 100 goats for 100 money, because 8x100 is 800, so it will cost me 800 money to make those 100 goats, so selling them for 100 means i loose 700 money by selling them.................


Post by Guest » Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:55 pm

No, you will sell each goat at the price of 100.

Indeed, the way you did think about it, it would be stupid to sell stuff.
The price you set is per item (like 1 goat), because at the market, people can buy every ammount they desire.
So you set 100 goats at the market, and you say price = 140cT

If someone then buys 1 goat, you will get 140cT.
If someone buys all your goats (100) then you will get 100*140=14000 in total. Which means you made some nice profit ;)


Post by Guest » Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:40 am

Thank Leorosso for clearing that up! It never once occurred to me that you might be looking at the price field as a TOTAL price! As he explained, it is a price per unit :)


Post by Guest » Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:43 am

Ok, thank you for that :)
I have been really confused about this but now it makes sense :)

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